Our Suborganizations

Other Local Polish Organizations

Athens, GA
University of Georgia Polish Student

Creating community and sharing Polish and Slavic culture at UGA🇵🇱 Zapraszamy serdecznie wszystkich chętnych Polaków na UGA do udziału w naszym nowo powstałym studenckim klubie polskim!

Lawrenceville, GA
Polish Catholic Apostolate

Zapraszamy na prowadzone w języku polskim Msze święte i nabożeństwa, a dzieci i młodzież do Polskiej Szkoły przy Apostolacie, na naukę religii, języka polskiego i historii Polski.

Atlanta, GA
Chopin Society of Atlanta

The Chopin Society of Atlanta is a non-profit organization that since early 2000 has been devoted to promoting Fryderyk Chopin’s music and advancing the understanding and appreciation of his legacy while engaging and inspiring youth from the metro Atlanta area. The essence of our mission lies in enriching children’s education and fostering an appreciation for classical music.

Greenville, SC
Polish American Society of Greenville, SC

The Polish American Society of Greenville, SC was established to be the primary social organization for the Polish American community in the Upstate, to celebrate Polish Heritage, language and culture.